Sustainable jewelry might not be something that you usually come across. You might even wonder if there is such a thing as eco-friendly jewelry. Well, the answer is yes, there is. Given the methods used in the extraction of materials, the piece of jewelry made, the working conditions of the miners, transportation, and packaging systems used, some jewelry can be more eco-friendly than others. The key here is to act responsibly during any mining and production process by observing workers' rights and reducing adverse environmental effects using effective waste control and management systems.
Buying habits also significantly affect sustainable jewelry; purchasing meaningful, lifetime, long-lasting jewelry will lower the demand for newly mined gold, silver, or diamonds. And there are also many crafty, artisan repair shops for your valuable jewelry pieces to make them look brand new. On the other hand, it seems like in the future, people will be opting for more second-hand and recycled jewelry as a part of the eco-friendly and sustainable jewelry trend. If you are curious about sustainability and want to see what is available in the market, make sure to visit the suppliers listed below.
Categories: Apparel, Textiles & Accessories, Accessories, Jewelry
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Categories: Apparel, Textiles & Accessories, Jewelry
Certifications: GBB Member