New Tech Is Revolutionizing Ecology and Conservation
The role of technology in meeting the goals of sustainable planet development is growing every day. More and more technological solutions are offered on the market, such as the installation of special environmentally-friendly equipment and monitoring of the environment using sensors, which allow keeping the harmful effect within certain limits.
But many also talk about the fact that mass digitalization has its drawbacks. For example, the rapid growth in the number of industries and a sharp increase in electricity consumption. All this conflicts with the main goals of Earth conservation.
Nevertheless, IT developers today are trying to come up with more and more new solutions to preserve the environment. What developments are really effective today and do not contradict the main mission of preserving the planet? Let's figure it out.
Top 7 technoecology's application examples
#1. Biobatteries
Biobatteries convert chemical energy into electricity using inexpensive biocatalyst enzymes. Electrobiochemical devices, also known as enzymatic fuel cells, can operate on starch in plants. Although biobatteries are still in the early stages of development, they have vast research potential. Imagine the future specialists who just “plug into” trees and get uninterrupted electricity to operate the equipment. Moreover, the capabilities of bio-batteries, combined with low-power radio devices, could revolutionize the volume and the scale of field data collection.
Biobatteries can significantly help ongoing technological and environmental projects such as large-scale environmental monitoring. They are especially useful in the dense rainforest where there is a low chance of getting electricity from solar panels.
#2. Biological logging devices
Biorecording technology is closely integrated into biological prospecting. Accelerometers are used to register small-scale animal movements in real-time, which was previously possible only with direct observation.
Using accelerometry, researchers can calculate an animal's energy expenditure, which allows ecologists to evaluate "costs" to various activities and changes in the environment, as well as make future forecasts.
#3. Internet of Things
Wirelessly connecting devices so that they can automatically exchange information doesn’t seem like something fundamentally new. By expanding the use of low-power, long-range telemetry, the IoT can be used to configure a peer-to-peer network to transfer data from one device to another before reaching a location with Internet access or cellular coverage where more traditional means of transmission are possible.
The use of the IoT is possible in nature. Using a GPS network attached to animals, it is possible to obtain data on all animals at once by removing only one device.
#4. Autonomous devices
Remotely controlled vehicles, including drones, have become common inhabitants of the sky, earth, and water. In addition to more typical recreational purposes, ecologists are deploying autonomous vehicles to measure the environment, observe animal species and assess changes with a new degree of detail.
Combining drones with sensors now makes it easier to monitor rare, hidden, or nocturnal animal species. It also allows catching potential poachers, which can help to protect rare or vulnerable animals.
#5. 3D printing
Even though 3D printing was developed a long time ago, its potential for ecology is only now being recognized. For example, it can be used to make cheap and lightweight tracking devices for animals. Or to create copies of plants or other organisms for use in behavioral research.
#6. Blockchain
Rising average annual air temperatures, melting glaciers, and increasing frequency of extreme weather conditions are just a few of the impacts climate change can have. To slow down global warming and other processes negative for the planet, blockchain platforms help attract investments for the implementation of environmental programs and the popularization of "clean" technologies.
#7. Machine learning
Machine learning will help you analyze environmental data collected using special sensors. They transmit information about the state of the atmosphere and the level of air pollution, assess the content of ozone, nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, and measure visibility. Data from different types of sensors are sent to the forecasting center, and then, using machine learning and other intelligent algorithms, the air quality index is calculated on their basis. The results of the calculations allow concluding air pollution, as well as taking measures to reduce the level of pollution.
Alternative opinion: a low-tech future
Within the framework of ecological thinking, there are those who clearly take the position of "high technology". In their opinion, the solution to environmental problems is necessarily associated with new tech.
However, others are ready to abandon all modern technologies, thinking that they will do more harm than good. They pollute the environment requiring the extraction of minerals from the Earth and other raw materials while destroying natural resources and using fossil fuels.
Moreover, only 20% of e-waste is recycled each year, and so most of the sensors, 263 million smartphones, and 160 million tablets Samsung so diligently invented will be burned or end up in landfills.
However, all of these arguments don’t necessarily lead to the abandonment of all ideas of technological progress or innovation. It’s simply that low-tech advocates believe that many of our needs can be met independently of highly advanced technology.
So, will low tech be the future? Who knows. In any case, the idea of going back to basics is shared by many. Undoubtedly, we will eventually have to slow down the mass production, consumption, and disposal of technological devices.
How can we help the environment, regardless of technology?
Sort trash
Trash must be sorted correctly. So, in one container you can collect dry paper, in the second – plastic products, in the third – food debris, and in the fourth – glass. Sorted waste must be thrown into special containers. If there are no such in your yard, take them to special sorting centers.
Forget about polyethylene
Plastic bags can be replaced with paper, fabric or string bags.
Dispose of batteries correctly
Did you know that one AA battery pollutes 20 square meters of land and 400 cubic meters of water with heavy metals? Dispose of used batteries at designated recycling points.
You can influence people around you, for example, through social media. Make a social video and upload it to YouTube. Or share video content with your followers (in case it has a rare format, convert it with Freemake Video Converter, Movavi Video Converter, or HandBrake to cover a bigger audience).
Even by putting a like on Instagram for a post about conscious consumption, or by reposting, you will make your little contribution. By raising the reach of your publications and sounding confident, you are helping more people learn about environmental issues.
Stay eco-friendly
Use your cup in a coffee shop, visit second-hands more often, move in an eco-friendly way, buy eco-friendly household chemicals, don't throw away food.
Support international action
For example, Earth Hour, car-free day, World water and tree days.
Do everything possible for you. Remember, your small step towards change will be a big leap for humanity.
Final thoughts
Today, issues related to the environment are quite acute. There is a myriad of environmental problems: global warming, climate change, depletion of natural resources, improper waste management, deforestation, ozone depletion, and air pollution. Environmental pollution is one of the most dangerous threats.
Many people consider environmental pollution to be more dangerous than terrorism, military clashes, man-made disasters, and other threats. And if technology is designed to rectify the situation, then let it be. The main thing is that there is a balance in everything so that the future generation doesn’t think about how to correct the consequences of the technological footprint on the planet.
Tags: ecology