GloryBee, Inc.

Importer/Exporter in Eugene, Oregon

GloryBee started in the family garage of Dick and Pat Turanski in 1975 with a dream of providing natural, healthy ingredients for the people of their town. Dick describes those early days as "a simple family honey stand, farming honey in the backyard and processing it in the back of the garage--the deep freeze even doubled as the sales counter". Over thirty years later, we are providing the highest quality organic and natural ingredients with the same spirit as those first years of business. In the Pacific Northwest we've been supplying honey, sweeteners, spices, dried fruits, nuts, oils, and other quality ingredients to natural food manufacturers, bakeries and markets and other stores for over twenty-five years. Chances are you've been enjoying our ingredients in a variety of products. You may also have our retail ingredients in your pantry at home. GloryBee is built upon a foundation consisting of a belief in God and educating people about healthy living. We strive to have the highest possible ethical and moral standards for ourselves and towards our customers. In order to achieve this, we have assembled a diverse family of conscientious, dedicated and knowledgeable individuals, who are committed to quality and personalized customer service. Our unique relationship with you is why we exist.


Certifications, Standards and Eco-Labels

GloryBee, Inc. has obtained the following Certifications, Standards and Eco-Labels

Listing Categories



120 N. Seneca Road
Eugene, Oregon
USA 97402
(800) 456-7923

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