DoGood People

Service Provider in Madrid

While companies win sustainability awards, employees don't even know what the SDGs are. DoGood is the software that promotes a sustainable culture throughout the company. How can DoGood help your company? • Set ESG impact targets and track employee contribution • Assign impact quotas to each employee and department • Generate metrics to track employee ESG impact by linking it to non-financial reporting standards. • Create value and content to improve your reputation indexes and increase the value of your Responsible Brand. DoGood People is a company born in 2019 with a clear mission: to include human value in society through small actions. We are part of the GRI community, We are moved to change the world and that is why we surround ourselves with a team of DoGooders. People who show that with enthusiasm, dedication and effort a better world can be created!


Certifications, Standards and Eco-Labels

DoGood People has obtained the following Certifications, Standards and Eco-Labels


Calle de Diego de León, 57, 2ºCD
Spain 28002
+99999993 (467) 929-6031

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