Linda Mundy - Chesapeake Asset Management Company, Inc.

Service Provider in Gaithersburg, Maryland

Chesapeake Asset Management Company offers an established reputation for integrity, experience, and proactive client service. We are an independent, investment advisory firm founded in 1995. Linda Mundy, company president, helms Chesapeake's team of trusted, financial professionals. Our wealth of experience assures you unmatched financial management. Our company successfully weathered the vagaries of many market cycles. Through both high and low markets, Chesapeake has consistently sustained a steady and strong investment record. We are registered with the state of Maryland Securities Division. Specializing in wealth management, Chesapeake handles large portfolios. We deliver the highest levels of personal service to an elite clientele. We represent: Individuals and families; Non-profit organizations; Trusts; Private foundations. Approximately 50 percent of our clients reside in the Washington metropolitan area. Others are located throughout the United States in cities such as Philadelphia, Atlanta, and Dallas. Chesapeake fosters easy, direct communication. We meet often with clients and client boards. We commit to close communication with, and a high rate of responsiveness to, our clients. Our status as an independent company ensures our interests and those of our clients coincide. Chesapeake has no conflicts of interests in recommending particular strategies and investments. Chesapeake is not affiliated with any brokerage firm or other organization. Our primary source of income is the fee clients pay us for investment management and advice.


Certifications, Standards and Eco-Labels

Linda Mundy - Chesapeake Asset Management Company, Inc. has obtained the following Certifications, Standards and Eco-Labels

Listing Categories



515-18310 Montgomery Village Avenue
Gaithersburg, Maryland
USA 20879
(888) 527-0178

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