First Unitarian Church of Victoria

Service Provider in Victoria, British Columbia

The Social Responsibility Coalition (SRC) seeks to raise awareness and promote action among church members and friends on society’s major social, environmental and economic issues. We offer information and an opportunity to respond on these issues, sometimes in concert with others and always in a manner consistent with the seven principles of the Unitarian-Universalist movement. Each month, the SRC identifies a particular issue and proposes an “action of the month.” An article on the subject appears in the church newsletter. Each Sunday during the month, fuller details on the issue are available at the SRC display shelf in the foyer of the church. The Coalition is made up of a variety of Teams covering many areas of concern – Choices in Dying, Diversity, Environmental Action Team (EAT), Healing Our World (HOW), Lifeline, Poverty and Diversity. They are listed on the right. There is always room for more Teams and we welcome your ideas and energy.



5575 W Saanich Road
Victoria, British Columbia
Canada V9E2G1
(250) 744-2665

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