Organically Gifted

Retailer in Ottawa

At Organically Gifted, we pride ourselves on creating unique, toxin-free, organic, & natural gift creations for all occasions that do not deplete our planet's natural resources. It is our belief that we can each make this earth a better place by eliminating the use of certain chemicals in everyday products. Our mission is to design and deliver high quality organic gift sets to environmentally conscious individuals and organizations while reducing the burden on the environment. Every aspect of Organically Gifted's business is considerate of the environment. All products are purchased according to fair trade principles including all marketing and promotional materials. Organically Gifted's business cards and postcards are printed on 100% recycled material using vegetable dyes. All packaging materials used are made from recycled materials and/or are reusable or biodegradable. In addition, for every purchase our clients make Organically Gifted will donate one percent to the David Suzuki Foundation, who uses science and education to promote solutions that conserve nature and help achieve sustainability. Our goal is to provide you with a unique and enjoyable shopping experience that allows you to create your own gift set or chose from one of our already pre-packaged gift sets. If you don't see what you need on our website, then contact us and we would be happy to discuss your needs and design a customized gift set for you or your organization.


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607 Puffin Court
Canada K1V1S8
(613) 850-2057

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